Trying to spend within your means every month is hard enough even before having a significant expense once or twice a year. Those tax bills, insurance..
Members CU in High Point has moved to a new location and will resume regular business hours (M-F, 8 AM to 5 PM). New office is located at: 1701..
Around the Memorial Day weekend, 18 Members CU members had their Debit Card and ATM Card information stolen through skimming devices that were installed..
On Friday we posted a notice about increased ATM and debit card fraudulent activity in Lincoln County and surrounding area. We have confirmed that there..
It has come to our attention that there has been an increase in ATM and debit card fraud in the Lincoln County area. Therefore we want to remind our..
Hello Credit Union Members! At Fairway, we understand that purchasing a home is generally one of the most important financial decisions you will make in..
Nearly 150 people participated in Members CU’s 5th Annual Wig Walk benefiting the Wig Bank of Caldwell County, a cancer patient support center for cancer..
On Friday May 20th, Members CU held its 20th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at the Maple Chase Golf and Country Club in Winston-Salem, NC. This year’s..
Members CU's branch in Valdese, NC will need to close the drive-thru lane while the parking lot is being repaved starting today, May 25th. The drive-thru..