Members CU Blog

Members CU Collects $5,189 for the Catawba County Wig Bank

Written by CarlaL | Sep 14, 2015 6:33:30 PM

Walk participants, cancer survivors and their supporters line up before the walk for a photo.

Newton, NC – The third annual Wig Walk for the Catawba County Wig Bank took place on Saturday, September 12 th at the Southside Park in Newton, NC. Despite a little rain in the morning, the event succeeded in collecting $5,189. One hundred percent of the Wig Walk’s proceeds will be given to the Catawba County Wig Bank, a cancer patient support center that provides new and gently used wigs and other head coverings, breast prostheses, and mastectomy bras to cancer patients for free. The Wig Bank also promotes support groups and special programs for cancer patients and survivors.
Money for the Wig Bank was collected in August and September from Members CU members, community walk registrations, and corporate sponsorships. This year’s corporate sponsors included Catawba Valley Medical Center, Newton Family Physicians, Sugar Peas, Hickory Daily Record, and Paramount Automotive.
Members CU will continue to raise money for the Catawba County Wig Bank by selling 2015 Wig Walk T-shirts at their Hickory Branch, located on 2142 Springs Rd and at their Newton Branch located on 2475 Northwest Blvd.

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About the Catawba County Wig Bank
The Wig Bank is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-6 p.m. and is located on 437 Main Ave SW in Hickory. Appointments are not required, but are appreciated. Individuals, businesses, foundations, and groups throughout our community donate most items offered by the Wig Bank. Volunteers make and provide many of the turbans and other head coverings. For more information about the services that we provide, or how you can help, please contact Brenda Putnam at 828-326-2176.
About Members Credit Union
Members Credit Union has been providing personal financial services to our 51,000 members since 1953. The credit union is a full-service, not-for-profit financial institution providing more than 470 companies with financial services for their employees with administrative offices in Winston-Salem, NC, and 18 branches throughout North Carolina.