Members CU Blog

Happy Financial Literacy Month

Written by CarlaL | Apr 14, 2014 3:39:27 PM

April is Financial Literacy month, and at Members CU we value financial education all year long. Here are a few of the services and programs that are already going strong in 2014.
In January we announced our partnership with Money Management International, a non-profit financial counseling organization that provides free financial counseling and debt management program to any member who needs guidance. This service is free to members and everyone who seeks financial advice through this program is assured total privacy.  Learn more about this service and find financial resources online at
In February we launched our Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loan Program for families who are looking for a private student loan to help pay for college after scholarship, grant and federal loan opportunities have been maximized. We chose Sallie Mae’s program because their rates were competitive and provided flexible payment options for students. We also liked that they teach responsible borrowing by rewarding students who make payments on time. To apply for a Smart Options Student Loan visit
Throughout the entire year our employees have worked with local schools and teachers to educate students on the reality of money with financial reality fairs. A financial reality fair is a real life simulation for students to give them a glimpse of what it’s like to have a career with a salary, family, and financial obligations. During the exercise the students are challenged to buy everything their family needs for the month without going over their budget. Thanks to volunteers and Members CU employees we’ve already held five successful reality fairs and we have three more scheduled in May.
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